viii 2021 Annual Site Environmental Report Today, INL is a science-based, applied engineering national laboratory dedicated to supporting DOE's nuclear and energy research, science, and national defense missions.INL's mission is to discover, demonstrate, and secure innovative nuclear energy solutions and other clean energy options and critical infrastructure with a vision to change the world's energy future and secure the nation's critical infrastructure.In order to clear the way for the facilities required for the new nuclear energy research mission, the Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) Core has been charged with the environmental cleanup of the legacy wastes generated from World War II-era conventional weapons testing, government-owned reactors, and spent fuel reprocessing. The overarching aim of the project is to reduce risks to workers and production facilities, the public, and the environment and to protect the Snake EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xii 2021 Annual Site Environmental Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xiii 2021 Annual Site Environmental ReportTable ES-3. Major federal regulations established for protection of human health and the environment. REGULATOR/ REGULATION REGULATORY PROGRAM DESCRIPTION COMPLIANCE STATUS REPORT SECTIONS EPA/40 CFR 61 The Clean Air Act is the basis for national air pollution control. Emissions of radioactive hazardous air pollutants are regulated by EPA, via the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant (40 CFR 61, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xvii 2021 Annual Site Environmental Reportmethods to monitor species and its habitat, and identify best management practices that can be implemented to minimize impacts to species and ecosystems. Conservation plans that have been implemented on the INL Site consist of: A Candidate Conservation Agreement (CCA) for the Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) was approved and signed by DOE-ID and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2014. This conservation agreement provides for the protection of the greater sage-grouse and its habitat on the INL Site. This voluntary agreement developed conservation measures and objectives to avoid or minimize threats to sage-grouse and established a sage-grouse Conservation Area (SGCA). The CCA also established a population trigger based on the 2011 male sage-grouse lek attendance on 27 active leks and a habitat trigger based on sagebrush-dominated habitats within the SGCA at the beginning of 2013. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xviii 2021 Annual Site Environmental Report monitoring of ecological resources on the INL Site. All monitoring data are used to determine current species status and provides valuable information regarding the health of vegetation communities on the INL Site and how they are responding after disturbance. Data are also used to support National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis. Research is a valuable resource to aid in achieving environmental goals on the INL Site. In 1975, the INL Site was designated a National Environmental Research Park which facilitates various university-led research project...