This study pres ents the re sults of a sur vey of ra don con cen tra tions in schools (kin der gar tens, pri mary schools, sec ond ary schools, high schools, col leges, and one fac ulty) lo cated in the prov ince of Nevsehir which is the cen ter of the Cappadocia re gion. Ra don mea sure ments covered two con sec u tive 6-month pe ri ods in the ground floor class rooms in side the school buildings and they were per formed us ing a con tin u ous ac tive ra don de tec tor (AlphaGUARD PQ2000 PRO). Data dis tri bu tion is well fit ted by a log-nor mal curve. The arith me tic av er age value of the ra don con cen tra tions mea sured in sum mer and win ter was found as 75 ± 12 Bqm-3 and 67 ± 10 Bqm-3 , re spec tively. From the mea sured re sults, the ef fec tive doses from ra don ex po sures in sum mer and win ter were es ti mated as 0.27 and 0.40 mSv and 0.24 and 0.36 mSv for stu dents and teach ers, re spec tively. The re sults showed that ra don concen tra tion mea sured in schools does not pose sig nif i cant health haz ards for stu dents and teach ers.