Despite the early loss of glycemic differences between the original intensive therapy group and conventional treatment in the DCCT/ EDIC and UKPDS 80 trials, a continued reduction in microvascular risk and risk reductions for emergency myocardial infarction and all-cause death were observed 10-30 years after the end of these trials. These observations demonstrated that so-called "metabolic memory" could cause chronic abnormalities in diabetic vessels that are not easily reversed, even by subsequent improvement in blood glucose levels, thus suggesting a long-term beneficial influence of early metabolic control; that is, legacy effects on the risk of vascular complications and death in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Formation and accumulation of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) are known to progress at an accelerated rate under diabetes. Furthermore, AGEs are hardly degraded and remain for a long time in diabetic vessels even after glycemic control is improved. Therefore, AGEs could explain why former cumulative diabetic exposure could contribute to current progression of vascular complications in diabetes. Here, the clinical utility of measurement of serum and tissue accumulation levels of AGEs for evaluating the prevalence and severity of numerous types of cardiovascular disease is reviewed and novel therapeutic strategies that could target the AGE-RAGE axis in CVD are discussed.