“…All three can po ten tially act to off set the orig i nal geo chem is try of foraminiferal tests post-mor tem, ei ther in the wa ter col umn or at be neath the sea-floor (Pearson and Bur gess, 2008;Sadekov et al, 2010). Al though the for mer has been widely stud ied for the Mg/Ca palaeothermometer through wa ter depth transects, size-nor mal ized dis so lu tion prox ies, X-ray to mog ra phy and bulk sedimentological pa ram e ters (e.g., Lea et al, 2000Lea et al, , 2006Dekens et al, 2002;Rosenthal and Lohmann, 2002;Regenberg et al, 2006Regenberg et al, , 2014Fehrenbacher et al, 2006;Mekik et al, 2007;Huang et al, 2008;Mar tin, 2011, 2014;John stone et al, 2011), this is not the case for the other two. Recrystallisation (neomorphism), which re fers to the re place ment of pri mary by new crys tals of the same min eral (cal cite) spe cies (Folk, 1965), is of ten grad ual and very lo calized, which means that many rounds of dis so lu tion and re-precip i ta tion may be ap plied in or der for a new crys tal to be formed, and con se quently it is very dif fi cult to be traced in mod ern ma terial.…”