Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences 2005
DOI: 10.1002/0470848944.hsa117
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Rainfall Excess Overland Flow

Abstract: One of the processes that can generate surface runoff is rainfall excess, which is a process controlled at the surface of the soil. This occurs when rainfall reaches the soil at a rate in excess of the soil's ability to absorb, which is called infiltrability. This dynamic property can in uniform soil be described by a rather well-developed infiltration theory. Surface water flow toward a receiving channel may in geometrically simple conditions be described by the kinematic or diffusive wave equations. The surf… Show more

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Cited by 31 publications
(24 citation statements)
References 39 publications
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“…The Incomati waters are shared by South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique, where tensions related to the management of water resources have led to the development of water-sharing agreements such as the Tripartite Interim Agreement on Water Sharing of the Maputo and Incomati Rivers ( Van der Zaag and Carmo Vaz, 2003). The need for reliable data and understanding of the hydrological functioning of the system has been highlighted in these agreements (Slinger et al, 2010). In addition, the Kaap River and the neighboring catchments experienced devastating floods in February 2000 and March 2014 with return periods exceeding 200 years (Smithers et al, 2001).…”
Section: Study Areamentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The Incomati waters are shared by South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique, where tensions related to the management of water resources have led to the development of water-sharing agreements such as the Tripartite Interim Agreement on Water Sharing of the Maputo and Incomati Rivers ( Van der Zaag and Carmo Vaz, 2003). The need for reliable data and understanding of the hydrological functioning of the system has been highlighted in these agreements (Slinger et al, 2010). In addition, the Kaap River and the neighboring catchments experienced devastating floods in February 2000 and March 2014 with return periods exceeding 200 years (Smithers et al, 2001).…”
Section: Study Areamentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The high variability of rainfall enhances the difficulties of runoff prediction by triggering different runoff responses. For instance, high-intensity storms tend to generate overland flow in the form of infiltration excess overland flow (Smith and Goodrich, 2006), while high antecedent precipitation conditions enhance saturation excess overland flow. This effect is visible in this study during Event 1, where the high API suggested saturation of the subsurface, thus reducing the infiltration capacity and enhancing saturation excess overland flow.…”
Section: Complexities Of Runoff Process Understanding In Semi-arid Areasmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In DryMOD, this is achieved by allowing for occurrence of both infiltration excess and saturation excess runoff. Within a given monthly time step, the runoff process is driven by the hourly rainfall simulation model, in which rainfall is partitioned into infiltration and changes in groundwater recharge and soil moisture according to a saturation excess model [41] (Section 2, Supplementary Material).…”
Section: Runoffmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Dunne and Black (1970) suggest that saturated areas result from saturation of a surface layer (in case of a less impermeable layer below) or the whole soil profile by incident rainfall whereas others invoke the rising of groundwater tables. Due to the high heterogeneity and space variability of the watershed characteristics (land use, soil type and depth, sub-soil, local slope, upstream contributing area) and to antecedent moisture conditioning, these processes are likely to be active at the same time in various combinations (Smith and Goodrich, 2005). Gallart (2007, 2008) showed the existence of both mechanisms on a small Mediterranean catchment using field survey and piezometer and tensiometer data analysis.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%