The thought process is complex and it cannot be seen directly how the brain works and information is processed. Information received through the senses will be felt by the parts that function specifically. On the other hand, activities in collecting or receiving stimuli from the setting, organizing data, solving problems, discovering concepts, and using verbal and visual symbols are called information processing. To improve this process, classroom education management must be implemented to improve the learning process outcomes. Management education can be defined as a series of process activities that manage the way students teach in terms of processes by arranging, constructing, coordinating or controlling, and assessing exercises. Whereas learning management from a limited perspective is characterized as exercises that should be overseen by teachers during collaboration with understudies in the usage of studying and information processing. This recent study shows how the ability to process information in terms of educational management in the Masters in Mathematics Education students. In particular, this study looked at the results of implementing instruments in the Cognitive Psychology subject in the classroom. This research used educational instruments designed to support the research process. The results of research on understanding the material with an average value of 64 in cycle I, 73.3 in cycle II, and 82.7 in cycle III. The absorption power of students in cycle I was 64%, cycle II was 73.3%, and cycle III was 82.7%, and learning completeness in cycle I was 65%, cycle II was 85%, and cycle III was 100%.