. 61, 494 (1983). Four basic lead carbonates were prepared and identified by X-ray powder diffractometry. These were hydrocerussite (Pb3(OH)2(C03)2), plumbonacrite (Pb100(OH)(,(C03)6), and thc two adducts MOH .2PbCO, (M = Na, K). New diffraction data are presented for the latter two compounds; they both have primitive hexagonal lattices withtwo formula units per unit cell. The unit cell dimensions of the sodium and ppassium compounds are rr = 5.273 f 0.002 A, c = 13.448 ? 0.005 A and n = 5.348 f 0.002 A, c = 13.990 +-0.005 A, respectively. Six possible space groups are discussed.Raman and infrared spectra are reported for all four compounds, and compared with those of cerussite (PbCO'); assignment of the spectral features is discussed. Vibrational spectra of the two MOH adducts indicate that they are isostructural, and that the structure contains a well-defined lead sub-lattice, consistent with the X-ray data. The spectra of hydrocerussite and plumbonacrite indicate that lead is present as oxygen-bridged polymeric moieties in these solids. The carbonate ions occupy two and three independent sites in hydrocerussite and plumbonacritc, respectively. MURRAY H. BROOKER, S. SUNDER, PETER TAYLOR et VINCENT J. LOPATA. Can. J . Chem. 61, 494 (1983). On a pripari quatre carbonates alcalins de plomb ct on Ics a identifiis par la diffraction des rayons-X. Cc sont: I'hydroctrussite (Pb3(0H)2(C03)2), le plumbonacrite (Pb,,,0(OH)6(C0,),) et Ics dcux adduits MOH .2PbCO, (M = Na, K). On prtsentc des nouvelles donnies de diffraction pour Ics deux dernicrs composis; les deux ont des riseaux hexagonaux primitifs avec deux molicules par maille titmentaire. Les dimensions respectives de la maill: pour les composts de sodium On rapporte les spectres infrarouges et Raman des quatre composis et on les compare avec ceux de la ctrussite (PbCO'); on discute de l'attribution des caracteristiques spectrales. Les spectres de vibration des deux adduits MOH indiquent qu'ils sont isostructuraux et que la structure contient un sous-rtseau dc plonib bien dCfini qui est en accord avec Ies donnCes dc rayons-X. Les spectres de l'hydroctrussite et du plumbonacrite indiquent que le plo~iib est priscnt dans ces solides sous la forme d'unitts polymtrisies ayant l'oxygine en position de pont. Lcs ions carbonates occupent respectivement deux et trois sites indipendants dans l'hydrocirussite et dans Ic plumbonacrite.[Traduit par le journal]