The pressure-induced transition of H2O into the ice X phase, characterized by symmetric hydrogen bonding, is studied using ab initio molecular dynamics combined with ultrasoft pseudopotentials. A good description of the hydrogen bond is obtained only after gradient corrections to the local-density approximation are included. The transition into ice X is predicted at 49 GPa, in good agreement with experiment, when proton quantum fluctuations are treated within mean-field theory. Molecular-dynamics simulations show that a mode-softening description of the transition is appropriate.PACS numbers: 64.70. Kb, ice has an unusually rich phase diagram [1]. The dominant hydrogen-bonding interactions give rise to a sequence of rather open structures which become more close packed with increasing pressure. Nevertheless, the phases ice I through ice IX, which occur at pressures up to a few tens of GPa, all still have intact water molecules as their basic building blocks. At a sufficiently high pressure, the molecular picture is expected to break down entirely. For the moderately high pressure ice VII and VIII phases, it is found that the H atoms become more symmetrically bonded with increasing pressure; in fact the covalently bonded O-H distance increases while the hydrogen-bonded O-O distance decreases with increasing pressure [2,3]. Thus, in the simplest picture, the transition would occur by having H atoms shift to the fully symmetric positions midway between the two neighboring O atoms, leaving the oxygen lattice intact. Such a speculative phase, in which the distinction between the covalent and hydrogen bonds has been eliminated, is called ice X.Despite considerable discussion in the literature [4][5][6][7][8][9], there is to date no compelling direct evidence for the existence of ice X. Experimentally, Raman spectra of ice VIII up to 50 GPa at 100 K demonstrate the appearance of a new band above 40 GPa [4] which could reflect such a transition; and Brillouin scattering studies up to 67 GPa at 300 K also give an indication of a transition at 44 GPa from an anomaly in the behavior of the longitudinal sound velocity [5]. Earlier work based on extrapolation of Raman spectra from lower pressures at room temperature also suggested that a symmetric hydrogen-bond structure might form in ice VII at pressures of about 75 ± 20 GPa [6]. However, little is experimentally known about the positions of the protons in the high pressure phase, because direct measurements like neutron or electron diffraction are difficult. Theoretically, studies based on empirical interatomic potentials have supported the notion of a transition to the ice X structure. An early theoretical calculation by Holzapfel [7] predicted a transition to symmetric hydrogen bonding in ice VII at pressures between 35 and 80 GPa. The interaction of the hydrogen atoms with the two nearest-neighbor oxygen atoms was approximated by equivalent Morse potentials. Later, a calculation by Stillinger and Schweizer [8] predicted a transition at roughly 60 GPa. This work included...