In this Rapid Communication we report the first time-resolved measurements of confined acoustic phonon modes in free-standing Si membranes excited by fs laser pulses. Pump-probe experiments using asynchronous optical sampling reveal the impulsive excitation of discrete acoustic modes up to the 19th harmonic order for membranes of two different thicknesses. The modulation of the membrane thickness is measured with fm resolution. The experimental results are compared with a theoretical model including the electronic deformation potential and thermal stress for the generation mechanism. The detection is modeled by the photoelastic effect and the thickness modulation of the membrane, which is shown to dominate the detection process. The lifetime of the acoustic modes is found to be at least a factor of 4 larger than that expected for bulk Si.Free-standing thin semiconductor membranes have a wide range of applications, for example, as key elements in nanomechanical systems, 1 sensors, 2 or optomechanical systems. 3 Thorough understanding of the mechanical and elastic properties in these structures is crucial for the design and engineering of the desired performance of these potential devices. 4 When the dimension of these structures is reduced to the order of magnitude of the phonon wavelength, the confinement of acoustic modes leads to a discretization of the acoustic spectrum. These effects have been studied via continuous wave light scattering techniques such as Brillouin and Raman scattering in supported and free-standing thin films. 5-9 Recently time-resolved experiments have contributed significantly to the understanding of phonon dynamics in nanoscale systems and nanoparticles. 4,[10][11][12][13] In this Rapid Communication we present results of femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe experiments performed on free-standing Si membranes with a thickness of a few hundred nanometers. A superposition of oscillations corresponding to frequencies of a fundamental mode and its higher odd harmonics up to the 19th order with lifetimes exceeding 1 ns is observed in the time domain. The results are successfully modeled using a combined elastic and electromagnetic model. It is shown that the detection process is dominated by the dynamic change in the membrane thickness. Our analysis demonstrates that free-standing Si membranes are a model system, which allows disentanglement of basic phonon-photon interaction processes.The pump-probe experiments were performed using highspeed asynchronous optical sampling ͑ASOPS͒ described in detail before. 14 Two femtosecond Ti:Sapphire oscillators are used to generate the pump and probe pulses with a duration of less than 100 fs. The repetition rates f rep of about 800MHz are stabilized in order to fix the difference of the repetition rates at ⌬f rep = 10 kHz. This offset allows for an automatic scan of the measurement window ͑f rep −1 = 1.2 ns͒ by the probe pulse in ⌬f rep −1 = 100 s without mechanical delay line. The time resolution achieved by this technique lies below 150 fs. Experiment...