Apparate und Methoden / Fliissigkeiten / Case / ThermodynamikThe vapour pressure and vapour composition have been determined for ternary LiCl -NaCl -AICI, melts, dilute in AICI,. Three experimental methods have been employed in order to obtain unambiguous results; a) total pressure of the boiling liquid, b) vapour composition by direct condensation of the boiled-off vapour, c) mean molecular weight from inert gas transportation. The major gas molecules are NaAICI,, LiAICI,, and AICI,. NaAlCI, is found to be the major gas species over most of the composition range even though the total pressure of the binary LiCl -AICI, system is considerable higher than that for the corresponding NaCl -AICI, system. The results are described in terms of a semiempirical thermodynamic model.