We measured the ortho-para conversion rate in solid hydrogen by using Raman scattering in a diamond-anvil cell, extending previous measurements by a factor of 60 in pressure. We confirm previous experiments that suggested a decrease in the conversion rate above about 0.5 GPa. We observe a distinct minimum at 3 GPa followed by a drastic increase in the conversion rate to our maximum pressure of 58 GPa. This pressure enhancement of conversion is not predicted by previous theoretical treatments and must be due to a new conversion pathway.high-pressure physics ͉ Raman spectroscopy ͉ solid hydrogen S olid hydrogen is a highly compressible quantum molecular solid whose behavior changes drastically over experimentally accessible pressures. Recently, a great deal of attention has been paid to the orientational ordering behavior of solid hydrogen at very high pressures (1-6). Driving this interest is the interpretation of several high-pressure phase transitions as involving orientational ordering, as well as the realization that the insulator-to-metal transition in solid hydrogen depends critically on the orientational properties of high-pressure hydrogen. Crucial to understanding these phenomena is a detailed knowledge of the ortho-para state of the solid at high pressures.The molecular wavefunction for any isolated homonuclear diatomic molecule must be symmetric or antisymmetric under nuclear exchange. For hydrogen the molecular wavefunction must be antisymmetric under proton exchange, which leads to two distinct types of hydrogen: ortho with total nuclear spin I ϭ 1 and para with I ϭ 0. If we restrict ourselves to ground electronic states, the total protonic wavefunction must be antisymmetric and can be written as a product of vibrational, spin, and rotational parts, mol ϭ vib spin rot . vib is always symmetric, and spin is symmetric for the triplet state I ϭ 1 and antisymmetric for the singlet state I ϭ 0. Thus rot must be antisymmetric for ortho-hydrogen (I ϭ 1) and symmetric for para-hydrogen (I ϭ 0). For an isolated hydrogen molecule rot is given by spherical harmonics, Y J mj , with the symmetry restrictions that J is odd for ortho-hydrogen and even for parahydrogen. These species are very stable and do not intermix for isolated molecules. For solid hydrogen the rotational states are only slightly perturbed from the gaseous state, and rot is still accurately described by spherical harmonics.The equilibrium ortho-hydrogen concentration is easily calculated by using the rotational energy of a diatomic simple rotator E rot ϭ BJ(J ϩ 1), where B ϭ 59.3 cm Ϫ1 is the rotational constant for hydrogen (7), and assuming a Boltzmann distribution. The equilibrium concentration of ortho-hydrogen drops from 75% at room temperature, to 61% at 100 K, to 0.1% at 20 K (7). While ortho-para conversion is strictly forbidden for isolated molecules, conversion does occur in the solid. At ambient pressure ortho-para conversion in the solid is very slow, taking weeks for a sample to equilibrate (7,8). Although there have been numerous e...