<p><em>Nowadays, water faucets play an important role in controlling </em><em>water flow. Besides</em><em> that, faucets are generally moved manually by every human activity by turning or moving the faucet up or down. This manual faucet system has weaknesses, namely water wastage</em><em> and easily damaged faucets</em><em>. The use of automatic faucets in public facilities can minimize waste their use because generally people often forget to close the faucet again. Besides, </em><em>using</em><em> Arduino-based automatic water faucets can </em><em>reduce</em><em> the transmission of Covid 19 for the community, especially during the current pandemic. This activity aims to design Arduino-based automatic water faucets at public facilities to reduce the spread and transmission of COVID-19, especially in the Girimekar Village area, Bandung Regency. The target of this activity is youth and cadets in the area. The implementation of the Arduino-Based Automatic Water Faucet design </em><em>in training</em><em> </em><em>resulted in a prototype unit of Arduino-based automatic water faucet using the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 as detection and use of an electric solenoid valve as a form of direct water control.</em></p>