Various nutritional health problems require prevention from several sectors, including the health and information technology sector. Deficiency or excess nutrition is currently associated with the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart and blood vessel disease, hypertension, stroke and diabetes mellitus. To prevent the emergence of these nutritional problems, balanced nutrition guidelines need to be socialized that can be used as guidelines for eating, physical activity, clean living and maintaining a normal body weight. Guidelines relating to nutrition include the development of the Indonesian Food Composition Table (TKPI). This study aims to design an Android-based TKPI application that is useful to help people know nutritional information and know the nutritional needs that must be consumed in daily formations based on TKPI guidelines. This research method uses the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology with the Waterfall method approach. The research was carried out through several stages including system design, interface design, TKPI application creation, application testing and evaluation. The test results found that the majority of respondents gave a like and very good response to the appearance of the design, image size, IMT assessment structure, consumption assessment structure, conformity of IMT assessment results, suitability of consumption assessment results, ease of IMT assessment, ease of consumption assessment, ease of consumption levels , the speed of IMT assessment, the speed of consumption assessment and the speed of consumption level.