We demonstrate a novel random laser configuration by exploiting the coexistence of optical gain and light self-localization in a reorientational nonlinear medium. A spatial soliton launched by a near-infrared beam in dye-doped nematic liquid crystals enhances and confines stimulated emission of visible light in the optically-pumped gain-medium, yielding random lasing with enhanced features.In random lasers, a disordered distribution of scattering centers provides the required feedback for oscillations in optically amplifying media. In recent years they have attracted a great deal of attention, mainly due to the versatility stemming from cavity-less geometries and the ease of realization [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. In liquid crystals, suitable dopants can provide the gain action through optical pumping, while optical birefringence in conjunction with intense fluctuations of the dielectric tensor yield the required recurrent multiple scattering for random resonances to occur [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. In the nematic phase, moreover, liquid crystals are positive uniaxial materials subject to optic axis reorientation under the action of electric fields, either at low or optical frequencies [18]. The latter response provides a low-power mechanism for nonlinear optics [19] and light localization into self-confined lightbeams, the so-called "nematicons" [20]. Nematicons are bright spatial solitons (solitary waves) which are stable in two transverse dimensions due to the nonlocal response associated with the elastic intermolecular links in the liquid state [21,22]; they support graded-index waveguides able to confine additional (incoherent) signals/beams of different wavelengths as well as powers and profiles [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30], are robust against refractive index perturbations [31-35] and collisional interactions [36][37][38]. Aided by nematicons, reorientational and electronic nonlinear responses, characterized by distinct time-and power-scales, can synergystically be combined [39,40]. Owing to their large numerical aperture [41], nematicon waveguides solitons have also been employed in experiments involving incoherent light generation by fluorescence [42] or amplified spontaneous emission [43], offering a means to better collect and couple the emitted light into optical fibers.In this Letter we demonstrate a novel example of synergy between diverse nonlinear responses: the combination of spatial solitons and random lasing into a "nematicon random laser", whereby a low-power self-confined beam provides a guided-wave landscape for the stimu- * assanto@uniroma3.it lated emission induced by collinear optical pumping of dye-doped nematic liquid crystals (NLC).Several benefits can be expected from adopting such light-induced guided-wave configuration for random lasing. At variance with standard thin film geometries, the thick NLC cell provides an extended volume where optical pumping can produce fluorescence and, in turn, stimulated emission and lasing action via random scattering and feedback. The la...