We show in this Letter exact results for the Ising model on the two-dimensional kagome lattice with nearest-and next-nearest-neighbor interactions J\ and J 2. In some regions of phase space, we find a nonzero critical temperature despite a finite zero-point entropy. For a narrow range of J2/J1 we find successive transitions with a reentrance at low temperature. We studied the nature of order by Monte Carlo method and found that in these regions one sublattice remains disordered below the transition and down to zero temperature except in the reentrant region. Thus disorder can coexist with order at equilibrium.PACS numbers: 05.50.+q, 75.40.MgOne of the most striking features of frustrated systems is the high degeneracy of the ground state (GS). The questions which arise are whether or not such a degeneracy survives at finite temperatures and how it affects thermodynamic behavior. In the case of Ising spins, it has been 1,2 pointed out that thermal and quenched disorder may select a finite number of particular GS, leading to a well-defined ordered phase at low temperatures. Extension of this idea to XY and Heisenberg 3 systems has been carried out. Such conclusions rely on low-temperature expansions which require that the selected GS upon which low-temperature expansions are performed should differ from the other GS by an infinite number of spin orientations in the thermodynamic limit. 4 This condition is not always fulfilled in frustrated systems such as the fully frustrated simple cubic lattice with Ising spins 4 and systems with finite zero-point entropy. The high GS degeneracy often yields unexpected effects such as partial disordering in the ordered phase in the fully frustrated simple cubic Ising lattice 5 and particular type of excitations 6 observed in Monte Carlo (MC) simulations.In this Letter, we study the Ising model on the kagome lattice shown in Fig. 1. This system with nearestneighbor interactions J\ has been exactly solved a long where K\^~J\,2/k^T and where the sum is performed over all spin configurations, the product is taken over all elementary cells, and periodic boundary conditions are imposed. Since there is no crossing bond interaction, our system in principle can be transformed into an exactly solvable free-fermion model. 8 Note that our model is somewhat similar to the brickboard Ising lattice recently studied by several authors. 9 " 11 To obtain the exact solution of our model, we decimate the central spin of each elementary cell of the lattice. In doing so, we obtain a checkerboard Ising model with multispin interactions. This resulting model is equivalent to a symmetrical sixteen-vertex model, 12-14 which satisfies the freefermion condition. 14 In this case an exact solution can time ago. In the present work, next-nearest-neighbor interactions J2 are taken into account. We have obtained the exact expression for the free energy from which exact results for the internal energy, specific heat, and entropy can be derived. The model has a finite zero-point entropy and undergoes a transition ...