We study a generating function flowing from the one enumerating a set of partitions to the one enumerating the corresponding set of noncrossing partitions; numerical simulations indicate that its limit in the Adjacency random matrix model on bipartite Erdös-Renyi graphs gives a good approximation of the spectral distribution for large average degrees. This model and a Wishart-type random matrix model are described using congruence classes on k-divisible partitions.We compute, in the d → ∞ limit with Za d fixed, the spectral distribution of an Adjacency and of a Laplacian random block matrix model, on bipartite Erdös-Renyi graphs and on bipartite biregular graphs with degrees Z1, Z2; the former is the approximation previously mentioned; the latter is a mean field approximation of the Hessian of a random bipartite biregular elastic network; it is characterized by an isostatic line and a transition line between the one-and the two-band regions.