This paper develops an algorithm for uniform random generation over a constrained simplex, which is the intersection of a standard simplex and a given set. Uniform sampling from constrained simplexes has numerous applications in different fields, such as portfolio optimization, stochastic multi-criteria decision analysis, experimental design with mixtures and decision problems involving discrete joint distributions with imprecise probabilities. The proposed algorithm is developed by combining the acceptancerejection and conditional methods along with the use of optimization tools. The acceptance rate of the algorithm is analytically compared to that of a crude acceptance-rejection algorithm, which generates points over the simplex and then rejects any points falling outside the intersecting set. Finally, using convex optimization, the setup phase of the algorithm is detailed for the special cases where the intersecting set is a general convex set, a convex set defined by a finite number of convex constraints or a polyhedron.Keywords Uniform random variate generation over simplexes · Convex optimization · Simulation-based portfolio optimization · Stochastic multi-criteria decision analysis · Distributions with imprecise probabilities ·