We investigate the invariance of the Gibbs measure for the fractional Schrödinger equation of exponential type (expNLS) i∂tu + (−∆) α 2 u = 2γβe β|u| 2 u on ddimensional compact Riemannian manifolds M d , for a dispersion parameter α > d, some coupling constant β > 0, and γ = 0. (i) We first study the construction of the Gibbs measure for (expNLS). We prove that in the defocusing case γ > 0, the measure is well-defined in the whole regime α > d and β > 0 (Theorem 1.1 (i)), while in the focusing case γ < 0 its partition function is always infinite for any α > d and β > 0, even with a mass cut-off of arbitrary small size (Theorem 1.1 (ii)). (ii) We then study the dynamics (expNLS) with random initial data of low regularity. We first use a compactness argument to prove weak invariance of the Gibbs measure in the whole regime α > d and 0 < β < β ⋆ α for some natural parameter 0In the large dispersion regime α > 2d, we can improve this result by constructing a local deterministic flow for (expNLS) for any β > 0. Using the Gibbs measure, we prove that solutions are almost surely global for 0 < β ≪ β ⋆ α , and that the Gibbs measure is invariant (Theorem 1.3 (ii)). (iii) Finally, in the particular case d = 1 and M = T, we are able to exploit some probabilistic multilinear smoothing effects to build a probabilistic flow for (expNLS) for 1 + √ 2 2 < α ≤ 2, locally for arbitrary β > 0 and globally for 0 < β ≪ β ⋆ α (Theorem 1.5).2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35Q41. Key words and phrases. dispersive equation; Schrödinger equation; Gibbs measure. 1 2 T. ROBERT 4.1. Local well-posedness for high dispersion 30 4.2. Almost sure global well-posedness and invariance of the Gibbs measure 31 5. Strong well-posedness on the circle 35 5.1. Function spaces and large deviation bounds 35 5.2. The gauge transform 39 5.3. A local well-posedness result 41 5.4. Proof of the multilinear estimates 45 5.5. Almost sure global well-posedness and invariance of the Gibbs measure 52 References 58