We show that the coherent forward scattering (CFS) interference peak amplitude sharply jumps from zero to a finite value upon crossing a metal-insulator transition. Extensive numerical simulations reveal that the CFS peak contrast obeys the one-parameter scaling hypothesis and gives access to the critical exponents of the transition. We also discover that the critical CFS peak directly controls the spectral compressibility at the transition where eigenfunctions are multifractal, and we demonstrate the universality of this property with respect to various types of disorder. Related to Anderson localization (AL), coherent forward scattering (CFS) is a robust interference effect which triggers a macroscopic peak in the forward direction of the momentum distribution n(k, t) obtained after an initial plane wave |k 0 has evolved through a bulk disordered system [15][16][17]. While CFS resembles the well-known coherent backscattering (CBS) effect, which is due to the pair interference of time-reversed scattering sequences and yields a peak in the backward direction [18], the two effects turn out to be fundamentally different. Indeed, the CBS peak relies on time-reversal symmetry (TRS) [19] and exists on both sides of the MIT, with no discontinuous behavior as the mobility edge is crossed [20]. In marked contrast, CFS requires Anderson localization to show up (it is absent in the metallic phase) and is present whether or not TRS is broken [21,22]. While the experimental observation of CBS in momentum space has been recently achieved with cold atoms [23], no observation of CFS has been reported so far. On the theoretical side, CFS has been studied in one ) and metallic (bottom, W = 12J) phases of the cubic 3D Anderson model (lattice constant a, tunneling rate J) when an initial plane wave |k0 is numerically propagated up to time t = 8000 /J. The energy is set to E = J and k0 = π/(3a)êx. The CFS and CBS peaks are visible at k0 and −k0 respectively. The solid curve is a cut along kx. Right: time evolution of the normalized CFS contrast Λ in the three phases.dimension and two dimensions [15,17,21], but not in three dimensions where an Anderson MIT takes place. In this article, we numerically demonstrate that the CFS