A scoping literature review to identify the multilevel HIV serosorting related elements was developed. Articles from EBSCO, PubMed, PsyNET and Science Direct with serosort* or serosorting at the tittle or abstract, written in English or Spanish were included. No restriction in type of population or design were applied. 239 records were retrieved after duplicates removed, but 181 references were extracted for full-text review. Individual level: HIV knowledge, serostatus, risk perceptions, abilities to disclose and for condom use negotiation, motivations, use of drugs, stigma, attitudes toward condom use, and perceptions/beliefs about the HIV and related treatments, HIV infection rates/testing and behavioral factors. Interpersonal level: social networks, abilities (sexual behavior negotiation, and communication). Community level: stigma, social norms, access to HIV related services. Structural level: political context, HIV related funding and public policies. HIV Serosorting is not solely an interpersonal behavior it involves multilevel elements that must be acknowledged by professionals and stakeholders.