Drug-eluting stents (DES) have revolutionized interventional cardiology [1][2][3]. Because of their strong ability to inhibit neointimal proliferation, currently, DES represent the default strategy during coronary interventions [1][2][3]. Initially, first-generation DES proved to be very effective in reducing the restenosis rate and the need for repeated interventions [4]. These early devices included sirolimus-DES (SES) and paclitaxel-DES (PES). The RAVEL trial represented a milestone showing that, in highly selected patient and lesion subsets, a restenosis rate of 0% was indeed possible with DES [4]. This was a dream come true for interventional cardiologists. However, it soon became clear that restenosis still occurred after DES implantation, especially when these devices were used in highly complex clinical and anatomic scenarios [1][2][3]. From the very beginning, SES proved to be more effective than PES in suppressing neointimal growth. In fact, preliminary studies suggesting that the larger late loss observed with PES compared with SES had no relevant clinical implications were soon refuted by subsequent larger studies reporting the clinical benefit associated with the smaller late loss provided by SES [5].However, the risk of stent thrombosis was not reduced by first-generation DES [1][2][3][4][5]. In fact, these devices were associated with a very low, but marginally higher risk of very-late stent thrombosis compared with bare-metal stents. Delayed endothelization, inflammation, fibrin deposition, neoatherosclerosis, allergic or, actually, a real toxic effect on the vessel wall, were considered putative underlying pathologic substrates accounting for this feared complication [3]. The permanent polymers used in these early DES were a cause for concern in this respect.Second-generation DES addressed most of these limitations and eventually moved the field forward [1,2]. These devices proved to be not only more effective but also safer than first-generation DES [1,2]. Major advances in platform designs, with much thinner and more flexible struts and appealing metal alloys (shifting from stainless steel to cobalt-chromium or platinum-chromium), were made. Moreover, permanent polymers evolved to become truly biocompatible. Last but not least, a new family of highly lipophilic limus drugs was developed in an attempt to improve results. In this setting, excellent results were obtained and a renewed feeling of confidence suggested that the duration of dual antiplatelet therapy could be reduced. However, most head-to-head DES studies showing the benefits of second-generation DES selected PES as the comparator [1]. Beating the results of firstgeneration SES was eventually possible, but proved to be more challenging [2].The term 'third-generation' DES generates major controversy [3]. For many investigators most new DES should just be considered sequential iterations of former devices and do not represent clear-cut breakthroughs. However, the advent of fully biodegradable polymers clearly constitutes a qualitative t...