Contents 1. IntroduCtIon and problem defInItIon (219) 2. desCrIptIon of the "bIt redundanCy" effeCt (221) 3. ChaotIC proCessIng wIth low dIgIt CapaCIty: rough statIstICs (222) 4. CompensatIon of the domInant sIgnal (222) 5. analysIs of sIgnal transmIssIon (224) 6. ConClusIon (225) referenCes (225)
INTRODUCTION AND PROBLEM DEFINITIONWell known that DRFM technology was developed in 80s and found broad application in the systems of a radar-location, radio navigation, radio-electronic counteraction and a radio communication [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. The priority belongs to works [1,6,8,9]. The DRFM technology allows to carry out storing and repeated reproduction of radio signals in a strip of frequencies several