This paper constructs a Sparre Andersen risk model with a constant dividend barrier in which the claim interarrival distribution is a mixture of an exponential distribution and an Erlang(n) distribution. We derive the integro-differential equation satisfied by the Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function of this risk model. Finally, we provide a numerical example.
The Risk ModelConsider a Sparre Andersen risk model,where ≥ 0 represents the initial capital, is the insurer's rate of premium income per unit time, and { ( ), ≥ 0} is the claim number process representing the number of claims up to time . { , ≥ 1} is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables representing the individual claim amounts with distribution function ( ) and density function ( ) with mean . We assume that { ( ), ≥ 0} and { , ≥ 1} are independent. Let { , ≥ 1} be sequence i.i.d. random variables, which represent the claim interarrival times, and has a density function ( ),where ≥ 1 is a positive integer, ≥ 0, 1 , 2 ≥ 0, and 1 + 2 = 1. We further assume that [ ] > [ ] for all , which ensure that lim → ∞ ( ) = ∞ almost surely. Throughout the paper we use the convention that ∑ 0 =1 = 0. In recent years the Sparre Andersen model has been studied extensively. Ruin probabilities and many ruin related quantities such as the marginal and joint defective distributions of the time to ruin, the deficit at ruin, the surplus prior to ruin, and the claim size causing ruin have received considerable attention. Some related results can be found in Cai and Dickson [1], Sun and Yang [2], Gerber and Shiu [3], and Ko [4]. Li and Garrido [5] consider a compound renewal (Sparre Andersen) risk process in the presence of a constant dividend barrier in which the claim waiting times are generalized Erlang(n) distributed. The Sparre Andersen model with phase-type interclaim times has been studied by Ren [6]. Ng and Yang [7] study the ruin probability and the distribution of the severity of ruin in risk models with phasetype claims. Landriault and Willmot [8] study the Gerber-Shiu function in a Sparre Andersen model with general interclaim times. Yang and Zhang [9] study a Sparre Andersen model in which the interclaim times are generalized Erlang(n) distributed. They assume that the premium rate is a step function depending on the current surplus level. Landriault and Sendova [10] generalize the Sparre Andersen dual risk model with Erlang(n) interinnovation times by adding a budget-restriction strategy. Shi and Landriault [11] utilize the multivariate version of Lagrange expansion theorem to obtain a series expansion for the density of the time to ruin under a more general distribution assumption, namely, the combination of exponentials. Yang and Sendova [12] study the Sparre Andersen dual risk model in which the times