Abstract. Narrow sieves, representative sets and divide-and-color are three breakthrough color coding-related techniques, which led to the design of extremely fast parameterized algorithms. We present a novel family of strategies for applying mixtures of them. This includes: (a) a mix of representative sets and narrow sieves; (b) a faster computation of representative sets under certain separateness conditions, mixed with divide-and-color and a new technique, "balanced cutting"; (c) two mixtures of representative sets, iterative compression and a new technique, "unbalanced cutting". We demonstrate our strategies by obtaining, among other results, significantly faster algorithms for k-Internal Out-Branching and Weighted 3-Set k-Packing, and a framework for speeding-up the previous best deterministic algorithms for k-Path, kTree, r-Dimensional k-Matching, Graph Motif and Partial Cover.
IntroductionA problem is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) with respect to a parameter k if it can be solved in time O * (f (k)) for some function f , where O * hides factors polynomial in the input size. The color coding technique, introduced by Alon et al. [1], led to the discovery of the first single exponential time FPT algorithms for many subcases of Subgraph Isomorphism. In the past decade, three breakthrough techniques improved upon it, and led to the development of extremely fast FPT algorithms for many fundamental problems. This includes the combinatorial divide-and-color technique [8], the algebraic multilinear detection technique [26,27,43] (which was later improved to the more powerful narrow sieves technique [2,3]), and the combinatorial representative sets technique [22].Divide-and-color was the first technique that resulted in (both randomized and deterministic) FPT algorithms for weighted problems that are faster than those relying on color coding. Later, representative sets led to the design of deterministic FPT algorithms for weighted problems that are faster than the randomized ones based on divide-and-color. The fastest FPT algorithms, however, rely on narrow sieves. Unfortunately, narrow sieves is only known to be relevant to the design of randomized algorithms for unweighted problems.
arXiv:1410.5062v3 [cs.DS] 20 Apr 2015We present novel strategies for applying these techniques, combining the following elements (see Section 3).• Mixing narrow sieves and representative sets, previously considered to be two independent color coding-related techniques.• Under certain "separateness conditions", speeding-up the best known computation of representative sets.• Mixing divide-and-color-based preprocessing with the computation in the previous item, speeding-up any standard representative sets-based algorithm.• Cutting the universe into small pieces in two special manners, one used in the mix in the previous item, and the other mixed with a non-standard representative sets-based algorithm to improve its running time (by decreasing the size of the partial solutions it computes).To demonstrate our strategies, we consider th...