Time division multiple access (TDMA) is a method for sharing communication media. In wireless communications, TDMA algorithms often divide the radio time into timeslots of uniform size, ξ, and then combine them into frames of uniform size, τ . We consider TDMA algorithms that allocate at least one timeslot in every frame to every node. Given a maximal node degree, δ, and no access to external references for collision detection, time or position, we consider the problem of collision-free self-stabilizing TDMA algorithms that use constant frame size.We demonstrate that this problem has no solution when the frame size is τ < max{2δ, χ2}, where χ2 is the chromatic number for distance-2 vertex coloring. As a complement to this lower bound, we focus on proving the existence of collision-free self-stabilizing TDMA algorithms that use constant frame size of τ . We consider basic settings (no hardware support for collision detection and no prior clock synchronization), and the collision of concurrent transmissions from transmitters that are at most two hops apart. In the context of self-stabilizing systems that have no external reference, we are the first to study this problem (to the best of our knowledge), and use simulations to show convergence even with computation time uncertainties. MAC algorithms that provide bounded communication delay, often assume access to synchronized clocks, e.g. [10]. We propose a bootstrapping solution to the causality dilemma of "which came first, synchronization or communication", and discover convergence criteria that depend on τ /δ.The converge-to-the-max synchronization principle assumes that nodes periodically transmit their clock value, ownClock. Whenever they receive clock values, receivedClock > ownClock, that are greater than their own, they adjust their clocks accordingly, i.e., ownClock ← receivedClock. Herman and Zhang [11] assume constant bounds on the communication delay and demonstrate convergence. Basic radio settings do not include constant bounds on the communication delay. We show that the converge-to-the-max principle works when given bounds on the expected communication delay, rather than constant delay bounds, as in [11].The proposal in [9] considers shared variable emulation. Several selfstabilizing algorithms adopt this abstraction, e.g., a generalized version of the dining philosophers problem for wireless networks in [6], topology discovery in anonymous networks [19], random distance-k vertex coloring [20], deterministic distance-2 vertex coloring [3], two-hop conflict resolution [25], a transformation from central demon models to distributed scheduler ones [27], to name a few. The aforementioned algorithms assume that if a node transmits infinitely many