The dependence of the per-atom capture ratio A(Z1, Z2) and the x-ray intensity pattern on the spectral flux density n(W) of slow mesonic particles in the target is calculated in closed form with a semiclassical theory. The intensity pattern turns out to vary only slightly with n(W) whereas the capture ratio shows a more pronounced dependence.Numerical results are presented.There are basically two quantities which enter into the capture ratio and the initial angular momentum distribution of the mesonic particles Coulomb captured in a given element in the case of a homo- where R denotes the cut-off radius of the atomic potential ~u, for an energy loss -A W > W andfor -A W < W. It is the aim of this note to calculate the effect of a deviation of n(W) from a white spectrum on peratom capture ratio A(Z1, Zz) in the case of a homogeneous target consisting of elements with atomic numbers Z 1 and Z2, and on angular momentum distribution P(I). Also, variations in the shape of the atomic potential ~u will be allowed for. The deviation from a white spectral flux density shall be described by a linear term only,