High-resolution spectrometry of charged particles from inertial-confinement-fusion ͑ICF͒ experiments has become an important method of studying plasma conditions in laser-compressed capsules. In experiments at the 60-beam OMEGA laser facility ͓T. R. Boehly et al., Opt. Commun. 133, 495 ͑1997͔͒, utilizing capsules with D 2 , D 3 He, DT, or DTH fuel in a shell of plastic, glass, or D 2 ice, we now routinely make spectral measurements of primary fusion products ͑p, D, T, 3 He, ␣͒, secondary fusion products ͑p͒, ''knock-on'' particles ͑p, D, T͒ elastically scattered by primary neutrons, and ions from the shell. Use is made of several types of spectrometers that rely on detection and identification of particles with CR-39 nuclear track detectors in conjunction with magnets and/or special ranging filters. CR-39 is especially useful because of its insensitivity to electromagnetic noise and its ability to distinguish the types and energies of individual particles, as illustrated here by detailed calibrations of its response to 0.1-13.8 MeV protons from a Van de Graaff accelerator and to p, D, T, and ␣ from ICF experiments at OMEGA. A description of the spectrometers is accompanied by illustrations of their operating principles using data from OMEGA. Sample results and discussions illustrate the relationship of secondary-proton and knock-on spectra to capsule fuel and shell areal densities and radial compression ratios; the relationship of different primary fusion products to each other and to ion temperatures; the relationship of deviations from spherical symmetry in particle yields and energies to capsule structure; the acceleration of fusion products and the spectra of ions from the shell due to external fields; and other important physical characteristics of the laser-compressed capsules.