Key to grassland community types in the Banff and Jasper Mountain ecodistricts 50 A. Banff and Jasper Mountain ecodistricts grassland community types 5 1 Al. Fringed sage/Junegrass A2. Northern wheatgrass-Sheep fescue A3. Small-leaved everlasting/Junegrass A4. Creeping juniper/Northern wheat grass-Columbia needle grass A5. Prairie selaginella/Richardson needlegrass A6. Kentucky bluegrass-June grass/Dandelion A7. Bearberry-Juniper A8. Prickly rose-Snowberry Ya Ha Tinda Area A9. Tufted hairgrass-Sedge A10. Bog birch/Sedge-Rough fescue Al 1. Rough fescue-Fringed brome-Sedge A12. Rough fescue-Sedge-Junegrass A13. Sedge-Junegrass A14. Creeping red fescue-Timothy B. Blairmore and Morley Foothills ecodistricts grassland community types B 1. Rough fescue-Idaho fescue-Parry oatgrass B2. Idaho fescue-Parry oatgrass-Rough fescue B3. Bluebunch wheatgrass-Sedge iv B4. Rough fescue-Sedge/Bearberry B5. Big sagebrush/B. wheatgrass-Sedge B6. Snowberry-Rose-Saskatoon/Bearberry B7. Pinegrass-Hairy wildrye/Strawberry B8. Douglas fir/Idaho fescue-Rough fescue B9. Douglas fir/Idaho fescue-Sandberg bluegrass B 1 0. Aw/Strawberry/Rough fescue B 1 1. Thimbleberry brush B 1 2. Sedge meadows B 1 3. Tufted hairgrass-Baltic rush B 1 4. Forb meadows 1 B 1 5. Rough fescue-Hairy wildrye B 1 6. Big sagebrush-Buckthorn/Kentucky bluegrass C. Blairmore and Morley Foothills ecodistricts disturbed grassland community types CI. Idaho fescue-Parry oatgrass-Sedge C2. Canada bluegrass-Rough fescue C3. Kentucky bluegrass-Rough fescue C4. Kentucky bluegrass-Timothy/Dandelion C5. Smooth brome-Kentucky bluegrass C6. Blunt sedge/Little clubmoss/Moss phlox 90 C7. Creeping red fescue/Dandelion-Clover 91 C8. Northern wheatgrass-Kentucky bluegrass 92 C9. Rough fescue-Kentucky bluegrass 93 CIO. Rough fescue-Sedge-Mountain brome 94 CI 1 Snowberry/Kentucky bluegrass 95 D. Montane Shrubland ecology 96 Key to Montane shrublands 98 D 1. Yellow mountain avens-River alder/Low forb 0 1 D2. Yellow mountain avens/Junegrass D3. Beaked willow/Hairy wildrye 03 D4. Twinning honeysuckle-Prickly rose-Beaked willow/Nettle/Timothy 04 D5. Green alder-Scouler's willow-Wild red raspberry D6. Flat leaved willow/Quackgrass-Kentucky bluegrass 06 D7. Willow/Field horsetail 07 D8. Willow/Sedge-Marsh reedgrass 08 D9. Bog birch-Basket willow-Myrtle-leaved willow 09 D 1 0. Dwarf birch-Shrubby cinquefoil/Northern valerian/Sedge 110 v D 1. White spruce-Willow/Water sedge/Golden moss 1 1 D 1 2. Black spruce/Myrtle leaved willow/Wire rush-Sedge/Moss 112 D 1. Water birch-Smooth willow/Pinegrass