Abstract. Clonal plant life histories are special in at least four respects: (I) Clonal plants can also reproduce vegetatively, (2) vegetative reproduction can be realised with short or long spacers, (3) a nd it may allow to plastically place vegetative offspring in benign patches. (4) Moreover, ramets of clonal plants may remain physically and physiologically integrated. Because of the apparent utility of such traits and because ecological patterns of distribution of clonal and non clonal plants differ, adaptation is a tempting explanation of observed clonal life history variation. However, adaptivc evolution requires (I) heri table genetic variation and (2) a trait effect on fitness, a nd (3) it may be cons trained if other evolutionary forces are overriding selection or hy constraints, costs and trade offs. (I) The few studies undertaken so far reported broad sense heritability for clonal traits. Variation in selectively neutral genetic markers appears as pronounced in popu lations of clonal as non clonal plants. However, neutral markers may not reflect heritable variation of life history traits . Moreover, clonal plants may have been samp led at larger spatia l scales. Empirical information on the contribution of somatic mutations to heritable variation is lacking.(2) C lonal life hi sto ry traits were found to affect fitness. However, much of this evidence stems from artificial rather than natura l environments. (3) The relative importance of gene flow, inbreeding, and genetic drift, compared with selection, in the evo lution of clonal life histories is hardly explored. Benefits of clonal life history traits were frequently studied a nd found. How ever, there is a lso evidence for constraints, trade offs, and costs. In conclusion, though it is very likely, that clonal life history traits are adaptive, it is neither clear to which degree this is the case, nor which clonal life history traits constitute adaptat io ns to which environmenta l fac tors. Moreover, evo lutionary interactions among clonal life history traits and between clonal and non clonal ones, such as the mating sys tem, are not well explored. There remains much interesting work to be done in this field which will be particularly interesting if it is done in the field.