The article presents a study of the strongly spin-orbit coupled singlet A(1)Σ(+) and triplet b(3)Π states of the RbCs molecule, which provide an efficient optical path to transfer ultracold molecules to their rovibrational ground state. Fourier-transform A(1)Σ(+) - b(3)Π → X(1)Σ(+) and (4)(1)Σ(+) → A(1)Σ(+) - b(3)Π laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectra were recorded for the natural mixture of the (85)Rb(133)Cs and (87)Rb(133)Cs isotopologues produced in a heat pipe oven. Overall 8730 rovibronic term values of A(1)Σ(+) and b(3)Π states were determined with an uncertainty of 0.01 cm(-1) in the energy range [9012, 14087] cm(-1), covering rotational quantum numbers J ∈ [6, 324]. An energy-based deperturbation analysis performed in the framework of the four A(1)Σ(+) - b(3)Π(Ω = 0, 1, 2) coupled-channels approach reproduces 97% of the experimental term values of both isotopologues with a standard deviation of 0.0036 cm(-1). The reliability of the deperturbed mass-invariant potentials and spin-orbit coupling functions of the interacting A(1)Σ(+) and b(3)Π states is additionally proved by a good reproduction of the A - b → X and (4)(1)Σ(+) → A - b relative intensity distributions. The achieved accuracy of the A - b complex description allowed us to use the latter to assign the observed (5)(1)Σ(+) → A - b and (3)(1)Π → A - b transitions. As is demonstrated, LIF to the A - b complex becomes as informative as to the ground X(1)Σ(+) state, which is confirmed by comparing the results of (4)(1)Σ(+) state analysis based on (4)(1)Σ(+) → A - b LIF with the data from V. Zuters et al. [Phys. Rev. A 87, 022504 (2013)] based on (4)(1)Σ(+) → X LIF.