Non-aqueous reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has become an established means of separating the triacylglycerols (TAGs) present in natural fats and oils.1 The most efficient separations have been achieved with columns packed with chemically bonded octadecylsilyl phases, employing mobile phases consisting of acetonitrile with acetone, propionitrile or chlorinated solvents. Separation is based on both the combined chain length of the fatty acyl residues and on the total number of double bonds in the molecule. A range of detection methods, including evaporative light scattering, 2,3 refractive index [4][5][6] and flame ionization detection 7 have been employed in the analysis of TAGs. However, identification of components using these methods relies on relative retention times or collection of peaks followed by mass spectrometric analysis. With very complex mixtures such as milk fat or fish oils, identification of TAGs in this way becomes impractical. Consequently mass spectrometric detection, which provides detailed information on the molecular weight and fatty acid composition of TAG molecular species, as well as allowing identification of partially resolved or co-eluting peaks, is becoming increasingly widespread.Whilst + , which allow identification of the fatty acids present in each TAG species. 9 The technique has been applied to the analysis of several vegetable oils. [10][11][12] In addition to determining which fatty acids are present in a TAG, it is also important to be able to determine their positions on the glycerol backbone of the molecule since this has considerable biochemical and nutritional significance.13,14 The ability to unambiguously identify positional isomers of individual components of TAG mixtures, is a long standing problem in lipid chemistry. One method for stereospecific analysis of TAGs involves using enzymatic hydrolysis to sequentially cleave the fatty acids at sn-1 and sn-2. These are then analysed directly and the most probable fatty acid at sn-3 calculated. 15 Christie et al. 16 have developed a method in which TAGs are partially hydrolysed and derivatized to diacylglycerol urethanes which can be analysed by gas chromatography. Both of these methods, however, are time consuming. In enzymatic hydrolysis there may be some selectivity for certain chain lengths and numbers of double bonds, as well as a possibility of acyl migration during the analysis. Similarly, urethane derivatization is not suitable for the analysis of more complex fats and oils. Argentation HPLC, using a silver-ion impregnated column in conjunction with polar solvents, has been demonstrated to separate ABA and AAB type positional isomers, where A and B represent different fatty acyl moieties, 17 but gives no information on the positions of fatty acids in an ABC type TAG. A recent paper described the analysis of a number of γ-linolenic-acid-containing vegetable oils using silver-ion HPLC in conjunction with APCI mass spectrometry. 18 We recently showed that positional isomers of TAGs can be...