The cyanobacteria Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus are important primary producers in marine ecosystems. Because currently available approaches for estimating microbial growth rates can be difficult to apply in the field, we have been exploring the feasibility of using quantitative rRNA measurements as the basis for making such estimates. In this study we examined the relationship between rRNA and growth rate in several Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus strains over a range of light‐regulated growth rates. Whole‐cell hybridization with fluorescently labeled peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes was used in conjunction with flow cytometry to quantify rRNA on a per cell basis. This PNA probing technique allowed rRNA analysis in a phycoerythrin‐containing Synechococcus strain (WH7803) and in a non–phycoerythrin‐containing strain and in Prochlorococcus. All the strains showed a qualitatively similar tri‐phasic relationship between rRNA·cell−1 and growth rate, involving relatively little change in rRNA·cell−1 at low growth rates, linear increase at intermediate growth rates, and a plateau and/or decrease at the highest growth rates. The onset of each phase was associated with the relative, rather than absolute, growth rate of each strain. In the Synechococcus strains, rRNA normalized to flow cytometrically measured forward angle light scatter (an indicator of size) was well‐correlated with growth rate across strains. These findings support the idea that cellular rRNA may be useful as an indicator of in situ growth rate in natural Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus populations.