Abstract. We propose streamline-based simulation as a possible alternative to particle tracking for modeling solute transport. Like particle tracking, the pressure field is computed on an underlying grid using conventional techniques. The flow velocity at cell edges is then computed using Darcy's law, and this information is used to trace streamlines throughout the domain. In particle tracking, mass is transported by moving particles along streamlines. In the method we describe, a one-dimensional conservation equation is solved numerically along each streamline. If the flow field changes, the solute concentration is mapped onto the underlying grid and the streamlines are recomputed. The concentration is then mapped back onto the new streamlines, and the simulation proceeds as before. The method is suited for modeling advectively dominated multispecies transport in heterogeneous aquifers. We illustrate the streamline approach with synthetic example problems in fully saturated, confined aquifers: conservative, sorbing, and decaying tracer; a four-component radioactive decay chain; and saltwater intrusion where the flow field changes with time. Where possible, we compare the results with analytical solutions and results from particle tracking codes. It is natural to consider the use of streamline-based methods to model solute transport. Streamline methods have many similarities with particle tracking. In both cases the flow field is computed on a underlying grid using conventional numerical techniques, and contaminant mass is moved along streamlines. In particle tracking this mass is moved explicitly as a collection of particles, whereas in a streamline method the appropriate one-dimensional conservation equation is solved numerically along each streamline. Unlike conventional finite difference or In this paper we extend the streamline method to study a variety of contaminant transport problems. Where possible, the results are compared with other numerical codes and analytical solutions. First, to introduce this work, we provide a discussion of traditional approaches to model solute transport. Second, we describe the streamline method. Then, we apply this method to a variety of simple example problems in fully saturated confined aquifers: conservative, sorbing, and decaying tracer flow; a four component radioactive decay chain; and saltwater intrusion where the flow field changes with time. In conclusion, we propose streamline-based simulation as a possible alternative to particle tracking.
Numerical Methods for Modeling Solute TransportTransport models can be categorized as Eulerian, Lagrangian, or mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian. In the Eulerian approach the transport equation is solved on a fixed spatial grid, so that concentrations are associated with fixed points or volume elements in space [Bear, 1972]. Both finite difference and finite element methods are Eulerian. These methods handle dispersion-dominated transport accurately and efficiently, but in advection-dominated transport problems, Eulerian methods suffer ...