Water transport through a microporous tube-soil-plant system wa.s investigated by measuring tbe response of soil and piant water status to step cbange reductions in the water pressure within the tubes. Soybeans were germinated and grown in a porous ceramic 'soii' at a porous tube water pressure of -0-5 kPa for 28 d. During tbis time, tbe soii matric potential was nearly in equilibrium witb tube water pressure. Water pressure in tbe porous tubes was then reduced to eitber -l-O, -1-5 or -2-{) kPa. Sap flow rates, leaf conductance and soil, root and leaf water potentials were measured before and after this change. A reduction in porous tube water pressure from -0-5 to -1-0 or -1-5 kPa did not result in any significant cbange in soil or plant water status. A reduction in porous tube water pressure to -2-0 kPa resulted in significant reductions in sap flow, leaf conductance, and soil, root and leaf water potentials. Hydraulic conductance, calculated as the transpiration rateiAy/ between two points in tbe water transport patbway, was used to analyse water transport through the tube-soil-plant continuum. At porous tube water pressures of-0-5 to -1'5 kPa soil moisture was readily available and bydraulic conductance of tbe plant limited water transport. At -2-0 kPa, hydraulic conductance of the bulk soil was the dominant factor in water movement.