Refinement of neural circuits in the mammalian cerebral cortex shapes brain function during development and in the adult. However, the signaling mechanisms underlying the synapse-specific shrinkage and loss of spiny synapses when neural circuits are remodeled remain poorly defined. Here, we show that low-frequency glutamatergic activity at individual dendritic spines leads to synapse-specific synaptic weakening and spine shrinkage on CA1 neurons in the hippocampus. We found that shrinkage of individual spines in response to lowfrequency glutamate uncaging is saturable, reversible, and requires NMDA receptor activation. Notably, shrinkage of large spines additionally requires signaling through metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP 3 Rs), supported by higher levels of mGluR signaling activity in large spines. Our results support a model in which signaling through both NMDA receptors and mGluRs is required to drive activity-dependent synaptic weakening and spine shrinkage at large, mature dendritic spines when neural circuits undergo experience-dependent modification.two-photon microscopy | long-term depression | synaptic plasticity | spine dynamics S tructural plasticity of neurons, such as the growth and retraction of dendritic spines, is thought to contribute to the experience-dependent changes in brain circuitry that mediate learning and memory (1, 2). In particular, the destabilization and loss of spiny synapses plays a critical role in the refinement of neural circuits during development and during learning. Indeed, spine elimination occurs more frequently than does spine formation in young rodents between the first and the third month of age (3-5), a period when experience-dependent refinement of neural circuitry is in its peak. Furthermore, several in vivo studies demonstrate that manipulations leading to experience-dependent circuit plasticity also increase the rate of spine shrinkage and loss (6-9). However, it remains unclear how neural activity drives the selective shrinkage and loss of individual dendritic spines in response to sensory experience.Dendritic spines occur in a wide variety of shapes and sizes (10, 11), and their stability is strongly correlated with spine size (3, 12, 13). Small spines are in general more motile and thought to serve as substrates for plasticity, or "learning" spines; large spines are more stable and thought to serve as components of functioning neural circuits, or "memory" spines (12,14). It is the selective shrinkage and loss of individual circuit-incorporated, persistent spines that underlies experience-dependent circuit refinement (6, 9, 15). Thus, experience-dependent circuit remodeling requires an activity-dependent mechanism that selectively induces shrinkage and retraction of those specific individual dendritic spines that are no longer useful for circuit function.Previous studies have established that low-frequency glutamatergic stimulation (LFS), which causes long-term depression (LTD) of synaptic transmission in...