We report the identification of a nucleus-encoded minE gene, designated AtMinE1, of Arabidopsis. The encoded AtMinE1 protein possesses both N-and C-terminal extensions, relative to the eubacterial and algal chloroplast-encoded MinE proteins. The N-terminal extension functioned as a chloroplast-targeting transit peptide, as revealed by a transient expression assay using an N terminus:green fluorescent protein fusion. Histochemical -glucuronidase staining of transgenic Arabidopsis lines harboring an AtMinE1 promoter::uidA reporter fusion unveiled specific activation of the promoter in green tissues, especially at the shoot apex, which suggests a requirement for cell division-associated AtMinE1 expression for proplastid division in green tissues. In addition, we generated transgenic plants overexpressing a full-length AtMinE1 cDNA and examined the subcellular structures of those plants. Giant heteromorphic chloroplasts were observed in transgenic plants, with a reduced number per cell, whereas mitochondrial morphology remained similar to that of wild-type plants. Taken together, these observations suggest that MinE is the third conserved component involved in chloroplast division.Chloroplast division is one of the most critical cellular processes in plants because the plant cell is unable to synthesize this organelle de novo (Possingham and Lawrence, 1983). A series of nuclear recessive mutants of the higher plant Arabidopsis, in which the chloroplast number per cell is greater or fewer than that in the wild-type plant, have been well documented (Pyke and Leech, 1991, 1994 Pyke et al., 1994; Robertson et al., 1996;Marrison et al., 1999). Characterization of these mutants, referred to as accumulation and replication of chloroplasts (arc) mutants, indicates that chloroplast division is a complex process that involves multiple distinct steps, such as expansion, division site selection, division initiation, constriction, and scission of chloroplasts, which are controlled by different nuclear genes, although no ARC genes have yet been cloned. Intensive microscopic studies of the division process revealed that, upon chloroplast division, two concentric rings (plastid-dividing [PD] rings) appear on opposite sides of the chloroplast envelope at the constricted isthmus (Hashimoto, 1986;Kuroiwa et al., 1998). Recently, the outer cytosolic PD ring of the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae was observed as a bundle of novel 5-nm filaments, implying the innovation of eukaryote-specific organelle division machinery (Miyagishima et al., 2001). In addition, recent studies of transgenic land plants have shown that the same division machinery is conserved in chloroplasts and eubacterial cells. Strepp et al. (1998) and Osteryoung et al. (1998) demonstrated that a homolog(s) of the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ is required for chloroplast division, by generating knockout plants of the moss Physcomitrella patens or antisense transgenics of Arabidopsis, respectively. In bacteria, FtsZ is a cytoplasmic, tubulin-related GTPase, whi...