The rapid measurement of 89/90 Sr in steel samples is important in the event of a radiological emergency as well as for the characterization of routine nuclear decommissioning samples. A new method for the determination of radiostrontium in steel samples has been developed at the Savannah River Environmental Laboratory. The new method employs a rugged acid digestion that includes hydrofluoric acid, followed by a single preconcentration step to rapidly collect the radiostrontium and remove nearly all of the high iron content. A fusion step can be implemented after the steel dissolution when soil, concrete, or highly refractory particles are present. The 89 Sr + 90 Sr and/or 90 Y are separated using extraction chromatographic resins and measured radiometrically, either by gas flow proportional counting or liquid scintillation counting. Several approaches for the measurement of 89 Sr + 90 Sr, 90 Sr, and discrimination between 89 Sr and 90 Sr are discussed. This approach has a sample preparation time for steel samples of 6-8 hours.