PVP is a hydrophilic polymer commonly used as an excipient in pharmaceutical formulations. Here we have performed time-resolved high-energy X-ray scattering experiments on pellets of PVP at different humidity conditions for 1−2 days. A two-phase exponential decay in water sorption is found with a peak in the differential pair distribution function at 2.85 Å, which is attributed to the average (hydrogen bonded) carbonyl oxygen−water oxygen distance. Additional scattering measurements on powders with fixed compositions ranging from 2 to 12.3 wt % H 2 O were modeled with Empirical Potential Structure Refinement (EPSR). The models reveal approximately linear relations between the carbonyl oxygen−water oxygen coordination number (n Od C −Od W ) and the water oxygen−water oxygen coordination number (n Od W −Od W ) versus water content in PVP. A stronger preference for water−water hydrogen bonding over carbonyl−water bonding is found. At all the concentrations studied the majority of water molecules were found to be randomly isolated, but a wide distribution of coordination environments of water molecules is found within the PVP polymer strands at the highest concentrations. Overall, the EPSR models indicate a continuous evolution in structure versus water content with n Od W −Od W =1 occurring at ∼12 wt % H 2 O, i.e., the composition where, on average, each water molecule is surrounded by one other water molecule.