The Tomanová For ma tion, of Rhaetian age, over ly ing the Norian Carpathian Keuper in the Tatra Mts. is built of cy clic parasequences of mudstones and sand stones. Quartz (15 to 70 wt.%), kaolinite (13 to 46 wt.%) and 2:1 Al dioctahedral phyllosilicates (dioct 2:1: mus co vite, illite, illite/smectite: 5 to 39 wt.%) rep re sent the ma jor min eral phase. The kaolinite/dioct 2:1 ra tio de creases up wards in the sec tion (from 4.3 to 0.5) and sig nals vari abil ity in weath er ing/ero sion in ten sity and changing wa ter sa lin ity. Ma jor and trace el e ments (LILE, HSFS, REE) in di cate a uni form source -fel sic rocks lo cated prob a bly in the Vindelician High lands. The sed i men ta tion rate (83 mm/ky) was con trolled by cli mate. Al ter na tion of dry and hu mid pe riods is refered by sed i men tary tex tures and by ma tu rity of quartz (ae olian vs. flu vial grains), and or ganic mat ter con tent and com po si tion (C org and d 13 C org ). Authigenic sid er ite or bethierine doc u ments wet and re duced con di tions in the up per part of the Tomanová For ma tion. The sedimention rate of the ma rine Dudzinec For ma tion at tained 25 mm/ka and the char ac ter of cy cles pre served in the se quence is sim i lar as that of the Tomanová For ma tion (fin ing up wards parasequences). How ever, the dif fer ent clay min er al ogy, the re cy cled char ac ter of the sil i cates, the dif fer ent d 13 C org and el e vated imput of car bon ate detri tus with spe cific C and O iso to pic pat terns doc u ment a dis con ti nu ity in the sec tion. The transgressive char ac ter of the Dudzinec Fm. was de duced from the strati graphic dis tri bu tion and en vi ron men tal char ac ter is tics of the ben thic foraminifera pres ent. Involutinids and spirillinids dom i nate in the lower part, endothyrinids gov ern the mid dle part, and in the up per part nodosariids and Ammodiscus-type micro fauna oc cur. These age-di ag nos tic microfossils in di cate a late Rhaetian age. Sea level rise in the Tatric Zone trig gered by ther mal ex pan sion of the Cen tral At lan tic Rift was grad ual, be ing af fected by in put of ter res trial clastic sed i ment both by fresh wa ter and by wind. The Tatric Tri as sic se quence in the West ern Carpathians helps un der stand ing of the de vel op ment of sed i men ta tion, palaeoclimate (kaolinite weath er ing), and palaeo ge ogra phy of the north ern most Tethyan Do main.