Purpose: To describe the incidence and management of alimentary tract Buckyball ingestion in Chinese pediatric patients, and discuss the precautionary measures through a multicenter investigation.
Methods: Medical records of 74 pediatric patients from 9 large Chinese hospitals were included in this study. Questionnaires were distributed online, and medical records were reviewed. Follow-up was through telephone and outpatient service.
Results: Among the 74 cases were 50 boys (68%) and 24 girls (32%). The median age was 36 (22, 77) months, with a range of 7 months to 11 years old, and it showed two peaks. The annual case number showed a sharp increase, and the total case number in the last 2 years (2017 and 2018) showed a greater than 9-fold increase when compared with the first 2 years (2013 and 2014). The majority of ingestions were unintentional, with only 3 patients deliberately swallowing the Buckyball. The median time of ingestion until the onset of emergent symptoms was 2 (1, 5) days, and varied from 4 hours to 40 days. 21 patients had no symptoms, and the remaining cases presented with abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, abdominal distension, excessive crying, melena, and the ceasing of flatus and defecation. Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, laparoscopic surgery and laparotomy surgery were adopted according to the algorithm from the North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN). Gastrointestinal mucosa erosion, ischemia and necrosis, perforation, and abdominal abscess, ileus and fistula was found in the patients. The median number of Buckyballs ingested was 4 (2, 8), with a range from 1 to 39. During the follow-up period of 6 (1, 15) months, 3 patients had ileus, and one underwent a second operation. The remaining 71 patients were uneventful. None of the 74 patients reported a second swallowing of foreign bodies.
Conclusions: The incidence of pediatric alimentary tract magnets ingestion in China is still increasing. Management of such patients should follow the algorithm from NASPGHAN. Precautionary measures toward the issue should be taken from three levels, namely the national administration, producer, and consumer.
Keywords: Pediatric, Alimentary tract, Magnetic foreign body, Buckyball