Recent findings have suggested that large-scale diversity patterns are primarily driven by widespread species, while rare species are less important in this regard. The degree to which variation in the diversity of local communities in the context of metacommunity ecology concurs with these findings has not been rigorously examined to date. It is also unknown if community turnover along environmental and spatial gradients is mostly attributable to common as opposed to rare species. We examined spatial turnover for three categories of species, all, common, and rare, in seven aquatic metacommunities using simple and partial Mantel tests. We found that variation in turnover along environmental and spatial gradients was generally similar among all, common, and rare species categories, with five of the seven data sets following this pattern. Our findings thus suggest that spatial turnover in aquatic metacommunities can often be adequately described using common species. More importantly, our findings also suggest that turnover-environment relationships can also be described relatively well using information from common species only.In recent decades, there has been a considerable increase in the number of studies addressing the causes and consequences of biodiversity in nature (Gaston 2000;Tilman 2000). Compared to studies on alpha diversity, studies addressing gamma and beta diversity have increased particularly rapidly. Beta diversity-the turnover of community composition from place to place or from time to time-has been actively studied in recent years (Koleff et al. 2003). Examination of patterns in beta diversity at multiple scales is of great importance because it helps one to understand the ways in which changes in community composition at local scales are mediated to larger spatial and temporal scales. Beta diversity can be measured as variation in community composition across space, with the focus on variability in species composition among disjointed and nonoverlapping sites (Soininen et al. 2007b). Turnover can thus be examined using distance-decay graphs, where all pairwise similarities in community composition are plotted against geographical or environmental distance between the sample pairs. This distance decay of community similarity has been examined widely in recent years (Nekola and White 1999;Soininen et al. 2007b), but this pattern remains inadequately understood for aquatic systems (Shurin et al. 2009;Leprieur et al. 2009).Moreover, there is not much information about the way in which distance decay is affected by the distribution of common vs. rare species in ecological communities. Ecological communities are typically dominated by rare species that have very restricted ranges (Gaston 2003;. Recent research has shown, however, that species richness patterns are primarily driven by widespread species, whereas species with restricted ranges contribute much less to these patterns (Jetz and Rahbek 2002;Lennon et al. 2004;Mora and Robertson 2005). The richness of widespread species may also ...