A finite resultant rate of chemical reaction in a system implies a lack of thermodynamic equilibrium, and therefore of a non-equilibrium distribution of the various chemical species over their accessible energy states. On a molecular-kinetic basis, the products of encounters in which chemical reac tion has taken place are endowed with at least the energy of activation of the reverse reaction, which must be shared for eqUilibrium to be attained. In a conventional "slow" reaction, such as the hydrogen-iodine reaction studied by Bodenstein, the rate of chemical reaction is slow compared with the attainment of thermal equilibrium between the various degrees of free dom concerned, and the only disequilibrium experimentally observable is that of the total concentrations of the reacting species. If, however, the rate of chemical reaction is sufficiently large, then departures from the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution of various species become evident. The extent of these depends on the relative "relaxation times" of chemical reaction and of exchange between the physical degrees of freedom-translational, rotational, vibrational, and electronic. This article will be concerned in the main with electronic disequilibrium. The development of new techniques for studying fast reactions, such as the shock tube, flash photolysis, molecular beams, and ultrasonics, has revolutionized our capabilities of observing systems with not only large chemical (Le. concentration) disequilibrium, but also physical disequilibrium. Along with these techniques go careful studies of the oldest known way of producing very rapid reactions-flames.The bulk of the work to be discussed here will relate to premixed flames, rather than diffusion flames, because the former give a more precise stratifi cation in space of chemical phenomena, particularly when set up on a burner that gives a flat flame rather than a conical one.