Abstrad -A Link feedback Control Schem; (LFCSYis proposed in this paper to alleviate the inaccuracy of link state information. This scheme is based on linear estimation of flow rate and feedback control between neighbor nodes. Simulation results show that, when the LFCS scheme is adopted, the stability of link state is improved and, as a result, the queuing delay and loss probability of the congestion node is reduced by an order of magnituds'
Keywords -feedback control; link state stability; congation control I. E = {e,, ,} (vi, vi E V) is the set of all the links in netwok, dv is the propagation delay of e,, , E E ; C,,, is the physical capacity of e,., ; Ri,j is the practical flow rate of Pi , , : Ei,, is the flow rate accepted by e,,, ; Bi,, is the residual bandwidth of ei., , B , j = C,., -Ri,,