Alkenes 1-octadecene [17] CWFT, (l) 1.6 ± 0.3 (293 K) (Moise et al., 2002) 1-hexadecene [18] CWFT, (l) 2.3 ± 0.9 (277 K) (Moise et al., 2002) 7-tetradecene [19] CWFT, (l) 5.8 ± 2.0 (246 K) (Moise et al., 2002) Methyl oleate [20] CWFT, (l) 140 !!" !!!"# (278 K) (Xiao and Bertram, 2011) Methyl oleate (in DES) CWFT, (l) 15-95 (278 K) ~ 0.3-2.3 wt % methyl oleate (Xiao and Bertram, 2011) Methyl oleate (in DOS) CWFT, (l) 15-30 (278 K) ~ 0.6-2.6 wt % methyl oleate (Xiao and Bertram, 2011) methyl oleate (in squalane) CWFT, (l) 10-25 (278 K) ~ 0.7-3.1 wt % methyl oleate (Xiao and Bertram, 2011) Undec-10-ene-1-thiol [21] CWFT, (SAM) 34 !!" !!!! !(298 K) γ decreased (> factor 10) with reaction time as number of double bonds were depleted. Condensed phase products were organonitrates and carbonyls. (Gross and Bertram, 2009) Squalene [22] AFT, in N 2 (lp) VUV-MS 180 ± 30 (293 K) γ (calculated assuming that only NO 3 was lost to surface) increased (to 820 ± 110) with reaction time. (Lee et al., 2013) 17-octadecene-1-thiol [23] UHV, (SAM) RAIRS, XPS 2.3 ± 0.5 Reaction at terminal double bond to form organic nitrate via addition. N3 (Zhang et al., 2014c) Unsaturated Acids Abietic [25] CWFT, (s) ~3 (298 K) RH < 0.5 % N5 (Knopf et al., 2011) (Shiraiwa et al., 2012) Linoleic (conj.) [26] CWFT, (l) 7.9 ± 1.2 (273 K) (Moise et al., 2002) Linoleic (unconj.) [27] CWFT, (l) 15.0 ± 2.0 (288 K) (Moise et al., 2002) Linoleic (conj.) [28] AFT, (lp) 1010 ± 180 (295 K) (Zhao et al., 2011) Linoleic [29] CWFT, (l) 400 !!"# !!!"# (298 K) RH ~ 0 %, In the absence of O 2 (Knopf et al., 2011) Linoleic (unconj.) [30] AFT, (lp) 530 ± 120 (295 K) (Zhao et al., 2011) Linoleic (conj.) [31] CWFT, (l) >120 (278-298 K) (Gross et al., 2009a) Linoleic (unconj.) [32] CWFT, (l) >130 (288 K) (Gross et al., 2009a) Linolenic [33] AFT, (lp) 720 ± 170 (295 K) (Zhao et al., 2011) Oleic ATR-IR, GC-MS, LC-MS (l)