The radiation chemistry of photon-irradiated aqueous solutions of biological molecules may be considered under four distinct time regimes: physical transport (< or = 10(-15) s); prechemical conversion of H2O+, H2O*, and subexcitation electrons into free radicals and molecular products (10(-15) s to 10(-12) s); chemical reactions within individual electron tracks (10(-12) s to 10(-6) s); and chemical reactions within overlapping tracks (>10(-6) s). We have previously reported of the use of the Monte Carlo radiation transport/chemistry codes OREC and RADLYS to model the radiolysis of glycylglycine in oxygen-free solution to a time of 1 micros. These simulations successfully predicted the yields of free ammonia, an end product created solely in the reaction of the hydrated electron with the solute within individual tracks. Other measurable products are only partially created during intratrack reactions, and thus one must additionally consider the late, intertrack chemistry of this system. In this paper, we extend our simulations of glycylglycine radiolysis to model for the first time the events which occur during this late chemistry stage. The model considers the product rates of the reactants in bulk solution by using previously available microsecond intratrack yields given by single-track OREC/RADLYS simulations and an x-ray dose rate of 2.80 Gy min(-1) as used in a companion experimental program. These rates are then applied in a series of coupled, differential rate equations that describe the solution chemistry of glycylglycine radiolysis. Product yields are reported as a function of time over a total irradiation period of 10(4) s. Excellent overall agreement is seen between the theoretical predictions and measurements of five radiolysis end products: free ammonia, acetylglycine, diaminosuccinic acid, aspartic acid, and succinic acid. The model also gives the explicit contributions of intratrack and intertrack reactions to the various end products. For example, the model predicts that approximately 56% and 93% of succinic acid and aspartic acid, respectively, are produced during intertrack reactions at a solute concentration of 0.05 M; these contributions drop to 0.07% and 11%, respectively, at 1.2 M.