A quantum approach to chemical processes is developed. The chemical interconversion is described as an electronic process. The reaction corresponds to histories involving quantum states belonging to different stationary molecular Hamiltonians. The system Ž . may be embedded in a weak thermal andror external electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic transverse fields lead to transition moments yielding finite probability amplitudes for the system to change from one quantum state to another. Bottleneck Ž . subspaces transition states are defined; they mediate the interconversions in generic unimolecular and bimolecular processes. Active precursor and successor complexes are introduced to help bridge reactant and product electronic states. The stationary states are modeled with Born᎐Oppenheimer Hamiltonians. At a qualitative level, the theory is general. The rate, measured as a time derivative of product concentration, is expressed in terms of concentrations of active precursor and successor complexes. The kinetic coefficients are given in terms of quantum processes involving electronic bottleneck states. Stationary structures and vibrational zero-point energies characterizing the reactive CH qqH system are determined at a Hartree᎐Fock level of theory with 6-31qqGbasis set. The vibrational levels are corrected with anharmonicity effects. The saddle point of index one for hydrogen scrambling reactions has been obtained and shown to be related to the CH q molecular complex together with the precursor and successor 5 complexes geometries. The unusual properties of the system with respect to standard transition-state theory are fairly well described within this approach, in particular, isotope scrambling as well as photon emission during formation of the carbocation. The theory suggests that these types of reactions, which are found in outer space, may contribute to the scattering of the cosmic microwave background.