ABSTRACT:Decay curves and lifetimes of benzophenone phosphorescence in polystyrene and in bisphenol A polycarbonate (BPA-PC) at 80----433 K significantly reflect change in the molecular motion of matrix polymers such as glass transition, /3-transition, and }'-transition. The non-singleexponential decay. curves were observed in both polymers at temperatures between T, and T., and analyzed using the diffusion-controlled rate coefficient with a time dependent transient term for the dynamic quenching process of benzophenone triplet by phenyl or phenylene groups in the matrix polymers. The diffusion coefficients, D, of the reacting functional groups in polystyrene and BPA-PC for the wide temperature range below T. are much larger than that in PMMA in the same temperature range, showing a higher quenching ability of these polymers for the benzophenone triplet.