Variqus techniques have been applied to identify the lattice environment of impurity ions implanted into diamond-type lattices. In cases where a suitable isotope is available, Mossbauer spectroscopy may also provide valuable information. Mossbauer experiments on the implantation behaviour of Sb, Te, I, and Xe in Si and Ge have already been reported by the authors / I / . We present here experimental results on the implantation of 129mXe and 133Xe in diamond targets.Ion implantations of 129mXe and 133Xe were performed at the Leuven Isotope Separator using an accelerating voltage of 70 kV. The implanted doses were 1013 atoms/cm2 for 133Xe and 1014 atorns/cm2 for 129mXe. The targets were natural diamond stones of type IA o r IIB. The implantations were done at room temperature. Mossbauer spectra were recorded using absorbers of Na4Xe06.2H20 (for 129mXe) and CsCl (for 133Cs, daughter nucleus of 133Xe).All experiments were performed at liquid He temperature.Typical spectra are shown in Fig. 1, 2. In view of their, complexity, these spectra markedly differ from the single line patterns previously obtained for the same isotopes implanted in Si and Ge /I/. The existence of a quadrupole interaction for 129mXe in diamond has been demonstrated by perturbed angular correlation measurements /2/. A consistent fit of both Mossbauer results can indeed be obtained if one assumes a strong quadrupole split component together with one o r more unsplit lines. The average parameters resulting from the least squares fitting of several runs (assuming Lorentzian lineshapes) 1) B-3030 Leuven, Belgium.