Methylation and demethylation of mercury compoundsa re two important competing processes that control the net production of highly toxic mercury alkyls, methylmercury (MeHg + )a nd dimethylmercury (Me 2 Hg), in environment. Although the microbial and the photochemical methylation and demethylation processes are well studied in recent years but the chemical methylation and demethylationp rocesses have not been studied well. Herein, we report for the first time that the CuSe nanosheet has remarkable ability to activatet he highly inert HgÀCb onds of various MeHg + andM e 2 Hg compounds at room temperature (21 8C). It facilitates the conversiono f MeHg + into Me 2 Hg in the absence of any proton donors. Whereas, in the presence of any proton source, it has unique ability to degrade MeHg + into CH 4 and inorganic mercury (Hg 2 + ). Detailed studies revealed that the relatively fast HgÀCb ond cleavage was observed in case of MeHgSPh or MeHgI in comparison to MeHgCl, indicating that the HgÀCb ond in MeHgCl is relatively inert in nature. On the other hand, the HgÀCb ond in Me 2 Hg is consideredt ob ee xceedingly inert and, thus, difficult to cleave at room temperature. However,C uSe nanosheets showed uniquea bility to degrade Me 2 Hg into CH 4 and Hg 2 + ,v ia the formation of MeHg + ,u nder acidic conditions at room temperature. DFT calculations revealed that the HgÀCb ond activation occurst hrough adsorption on the surfaceof(100)-facetedC uSe nanosheets.Methylmercury (MeHg + )i saneurotoxin that accumulates in food webs and poses serious threatt oh uman health. [1] The high concentration of MeHg + in some arctic marine mammals and fish is of particular concern to the peoplew hose traditional diets are sea foods. [2] Microbial methylationo fi norganic mercury (Hg 2 + )i na noxic environment is am ajor source of MeHg + productioni nn ature. [3] On the other hand, dimethylmercury (Me 2 Hg) is another highly toxic and volatile ubiquitous mercury alkyl, which is predominant in deep ocean and report-ed to constitute as ignificant fraction (up to 80 %) of methylated mercury pool (MeHg + + Me 2 Hg) in marine waters. [4] Both MeHg + and Me 2 Hg are notoriously inert with respect to the cleavage of HgÀCb ond under mild physiological conditions. [5] Demethylation of MeHg + in natural water occurs primarily via photochemical and biological processes. [6] However,t he chemical demethylation of mercury alkyls including MeHg + and Me 2 Hg on the surface of nanomaterials is poorly understood. The HgÀCb ond in Me 2 Hg is exceedingly inert and thusr eacts extraordinarily slowly with dithiol, dihydrolipoic acid derivative at 37 8C-only 2% Me 2 Hg is converted to MeHg + after several weeks and no cleavage of the second methyl group was observed even in the presence of excess amounts of dithiol. [5a] MeHgCl, the dominant chemical form in marine water,i s highly resistantt owards strong acids like concentrated hydrochlorica cid and strongB rønsted acids at room temperature. [7] The antagonism between Se and Hg in organisms is well...