Isochoric response of the hypoplastic constitutive model is improved by means of small modifications in the linear stiffness tensor and in the barotropy function. Comparisons with the Rowe theory of dilatancy and with the experimental results by Pradhan et al. are presented. The essential modification consists in increasing of shear stiffness. Moreover two anisotropic effects have been implemented: one in the linear part and one in the definition of barotropy factor. The modified hypoplastic model is presented using isomorphic variables P, Q.
INTRODUCTIONHypoplastic constitutive models originate from a formalism alternative to elastoplasticity. First models were formulated independently in Karlsruhe (Kolymbas 1978) and in Grenoble (Chambon 1982) in late seventies. Numerous versions, improvements and applications have made evident the attractiveness of this approach. The 'Karlsruhe'-hypoplastic models for sand are based on a single equation (25), or similar, expressing the stress rateT as a nonlinear function of stretching D, stress T and of the void ratio e. Readers familiar with the endochronic theory may discover that hypoplasticity is closely related with the early Valanis models (Valanis 1971a; Valanis 1971b) with a single kernel and with an expression for stress written directly in the rate form. Equations of a contemporary hypoplastic model (Gudehus 1996;Wolffersdorf 1997) are given in Appendix 2. An extensive discussion of this model is given in the monography (Niemunis 2003). Notation is explained in Appendix 1.The reference model presented in Appendix 2 has no inherent anisotropy. All material constants are independent of the orientation of the coordinate system. The only tensorial state variable is stress T which induces incremental orthotropy with the planes of symmetry given by the eigenvectors of T. Choosing the initial stress to be isotropic, T 0 ∼ 1, the total hypoplastic response can be considered isotropic. Otherwise it is orthotropic with symmetry planes given by eigenvectors of T 0 .In elastoplasticity the back-stress anisotropy is usually implemented by means of nested loading sub-